As a co-sponsor of multiple developments in Uptown (16 properties), the Voice of the People in Uptown has been challenged this year like many owners — to manage affordable housing well, given increased taxes and costs, while enabling tenant services and preparing for more improvements.
On the heals of important meetings with community leaders this October, Voice kicked off the first of several events for the organization’s 50th Anniversary, holding a Reception & Strategic Planning Session with tenant leaders. Voice has asked tenants and friends to give what they can, ideally $50 or more, to demonstrate their support for the organization’s anniversary and mission.
You can donate too
And if you want, support the programs, projects or perks you prefer
2018 has also seen staff and board changes, with Maurice Hamp assuming the President’s position. Michael Rohrbeck took the helm as Executive Director in August 2018 and LeTasha Francellno-Glenn recently joined the property management team. Outgoing and retiring staff played instrumental roles in the transition, including Debra Claybron (15 years as Executive Director), Cheryse Eberhardt and Earsene McClain (retiring this December).
Voice of the People in Uptown ends the calendar year with gratitude toward all, and in particular to our development and management partners, the Chicago Community Development Corporation and Leasing & Management, Inc. The organization looks forward to a new year with a refresh of the Tenant Leadership Committee, a start of a new Community Advisory Committee, and the beginning of substantive relationships with local organizations and institutions dedicated to area owners and residents of leased homes.
Peace, Best Wishes & Happy New Year