Staying at home while trying to “flatten the curve” has become the norm for many families. Since schools have moved online, families are now forced to reckon with the fact that they will now go from spending just a few hours of their days with each other to spending every waking moment together. Here are a few tips to help keep the family from going stir-crazy and to add structure back everyone’s lives:
1. Structure Your Days
With close quarters and daily routines disrupted, it is important to set up a system where everyone feels like they are the same page. One example would be a time that everyone eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Another example could be scheduling activities throughout the week as a family that breaks up the monotony of staying inside all of the time.
3. Give Each Other Space
It can be a harsh transition from 8-9 hours together to being together 24/7. Make sure to give your loved ones enough time on their own and to give them space. If possible create spaces where everyone can congregate (think dining table or the couch) and also create spaces where people can have more independent time (think in their room or a designated corner). If space is limited, set a rotation schedule, so everyone has a chance to have alone time.
3. Give Yourself a Break
Everyone is going to deal with the pandemic in their own way. Give yourself patience and grace as you are adjusting to the changes, and give your loved ones the patience they need too.

If you are interested in reading more about what you can do to make family time easier, here are a few more links that you can access: