Network Meetings

In just and diverse communities, resident services is needed for low income individuals and families to have stability and access to social and economic opportunities, but affordable housing owners also need networking and services to maintain affordable housing opportunities for the long term.

The Voice Owner’s Network Program (VON) is intended as a resource for owners of service-enriched affordable housing to increase their income, decrease their costs, and access technical assistance in property management. VON can be a platform for professional support of key staff — asset managers, property managers and resident service providers, and make available opportunities for tax relief and participation in a community land trust — the Dovie Thurman Affordable Housing Trust.

Voice of the People Chicago will host networking meetings of affordable housing owner representatives at Tweet/Big Chicks Restaurant in Uptown, with optional happy hour networking and focus on

Take our survey of owner interests/needs. Call or request an invitation for an upcoming meeting. See our Social Cost Appeals Video.

773.769.2442 | Marshall Goldsmith, Owner Services Specialist |

CAPS, Police District and Communities Partnering for Peace (CP4P) — response, prevention, and youth services

EZRA, UPLC, Thresholds, Inspiration Corp and Northside Community Services — rental and legal assistance, and social, rent subsidy and placement services

ICA, Elevated Chicago, Uptown Chamber, ONE Northside and Northside Action for Justice — zero carb initiatives, business/service connections, collaboration and advocacy networking

Special Topic Guests among elected officials; banking/credit union and health services; experts in affordable housing compliance and tax relief