Sweet Home Uptown
A Celebration of History and Fundraiser
October 8th, 2020
Link to Full Lobby & Program, or first see below for the times of video segments of interest with sponsors, partners, legacy leaders, tenants, honorees and performers. Captions Available and Choose “Top Chat Replay” to see conversations during evening of entertainment.
Time Segment Description
0:00:00 Welcome, Colleen Heitlage, Voice Resident Services Coordinator, from Voice of the People blues lounge
0:05:26 Land Acknowledgement, Raven Roberts, Voice Resident/ Native American Activist
0:12:55 Sponsor Message, Jack Markowski, Community Investment Corporation (CIC)
0:20:15 Partner Message, Felicia Dawson, Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) and POAH Communities
0:59:50 Program Opening Song, Cash Box Kings, “Gotta Move Out to the Suburbs”, the true story of displacement, Oscar Wilson, lead singer
1:03:43 Opening Comments, Sylvia Ewing, MC and Director of Communications Elevate Energy
1:07:35 Welcome from Voice Leaders, Maurice Hamp, President, and Mary Thompson, Pedro Morales, Marilyn Escoe, Paul Siegel, Tamara Clark and Lorie Alexander
1:12:00 Roots of Voice Video
1:17:40 Tenant Voices about “Home” Video
1:20:40 Executive Director’s Address, Mike Rohrbeck
1:27:21 Honoree, Larry Pusateri
1:33:50 Honoree, Yittayih Zelalem
1:41:55 Honoree, Doug Dobmeyer
1:49:10 Voice Happy Birthday Song, Sharifa and the Good Thing, featuring Jonny Viau
1:51:21 Blues Concert, Cash Box Kings
Special Thanks to Our Team
- Event Hosts and Sponsors
- Event Consultants – Hoopla Communications, Inc
- Lobby/Program Producer/Filmmaker – Sweet Baby Media
- Organizational Consultant – Jane Ramsey, Just Ventures, Inc.
- “Roots of Voice” and Tenants “Home Video” Christopher Rohrbeck, Producer
- Happy Birthday Song, Sharifa and the Good Thing – Producer, Sally Montiano
- Cash Box Kings Concert – Producers, Benjamin Churley, Riley Gasiorowski, Voyage Virtual
- Special thanks to musician, artist, activist and Edgewater/Uptown resident for her support of Sweet Home Uptown, Joyce Renee Walker
- Social Media/Marketing Coordinator, Colleen Heitlage, Voice of the People – please like and follow us on Facebook