Pastor Michael Allen
Chief Strategy Officer for Together Chicago, Pastor at Uptown Baptist & formerly of Moody Church in Chicago, and others in Texas and Florida
Barbara Beck
National Underwriter, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and former Housing Director for seven years at Voice of the People in Uptown, Inc.
Kay Berkson & Sidney Hollander
Long-time affordable housing and civil rights activists
Jean Butzen
President and founder, Mission + Strategy Consulting, former Executive Director of Lakefront (SRO) Supportive Housing, now Mercy Housing Lakefront
Tim Carpenter
State Director, Council for a Strong America, Illinois Chapter of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids; former Executive Director for eleven years at Chicago’s Metropolitan Tenants Organization (MTO)
Thom Clark
Former Development Director of Voice; co-founder Chicago Rehab Network & Community Media Workshop (now Public Narrative), educator, radio host, editor, photographer and grandpa
William “Bill” Eager
Senior VP for Real Estate Development, Midwest Region, Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH); formerly Managing Deputy Commissioner for Chicago’s Department of Housing & Economic Development.
Alan Goldberg
Manager, LUCHA Community Alliance Initiative, former director Uptown Hull House Family Care Program, former Senior Community Consultant for Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA)
Maurice Hamp
Voice President of the Board, retired employment coach EZRA Multi-Service Center
Jack Hart
Development consultant and CFO Property Management Specialists, former Assistant Commissioner Chicago Department of Housing, former community organizer in Uptown
Janet Hasz
Former Executive Director of Voice and Supportive Housing Providers Association, retired Shambhala Meditation Center Instructor
Hans Hintzen
Owner – Managing Broker of Landstar Realty; former staffer, affordable housing and fair housing activist for Voice, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, and Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities
David Hunt
Former Chicago Rehab Network Executive Director, national consultant for community Storytelling & Strategic Planning
Denice Irwin
In late 1980s and 1990s, Voice Board Community Rep, President and liaison to Uptown high rise developments — Lakeside Square Apartments (Founder/President) and Lakeview Towers Corporation

L to R, Former Voice of the People in Uptown Leaders
Janet Hasz, Exec Director; Denice Irwin, President & Yittayih Zelalem, Housing Director
Ed Jacob
Former Development Director at Voice and Executive Director of the North Side Community Federal Credit union, Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago and Franciscan Outreach
Jack Kaplan
Former director, public policy and advocacy, United Way of Metro Chicago and United Way of Illinois, former Executive Director, Lawyers Committee for Better Housing, Voice Advisor
Tom Lenz
Consultant with Millennia Consulting, former Voice Executive Director, Program Director Chicago LISC, Sr Associate UIC Great Cities Institute, Lead Organizer for Lake County United and United Power for Action and Justice
Jeff Leslie
University of Chicago Law School Clinical Faculty, Paul J. Tierney Director of the Housing Initiative Transactional Clinic and Voice advisor; former US Court of Appeals Clerk for Judge Joel M. Flaum and Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago Department of Law
Peter Levavi
Sr VP at Brinshore Development, formerly with LR Development, People’s Housing; faculty-leader at Spertus College (Urban Developers Program), UIC’s Great Cities Institute and College of Urban Planning & Policy Affairs (CUPPA)
Mike Loftin
Executive Director of Homewise (New Mexico), former community organizer with Northwest Community Organization, Metro Tenants Organization, Voice of the People and founding organizer, The Resurrection Project
John G. “Jack” Markowski
President, Community Investment Corporation (a Voice lender), former Commissioner Chicago Department of Housing, former Executive Director of the Edgewater Community Council
Luz Martinez
Former Voice Executive Director, Washington Administration Executive, homeless advocate and shelter director, women and girls empowerment activist, retired Associate Professor in Social Work (Manila, Philippines)
Judy Meima
Consultant and former Multi-Family Program Director for Mi Casa (Washington, DC), former Executive Director of the Statewide Housing Action Coalition (SHAC) and Development Manager of Voice of the People
William “Bill” Miceli, Esq.
Voice attorney and counsel at Miner, Barnhill & Galland; formerly Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago and liaison to Office of Legislative Affairs (Harold Washington Administration)
Alan Mills
Executive Director of the Uptown Peoples Law Center (UPLC) and formerly serving as UPLC Legal Director, staff attorney and volunteer since 1979
Judson Miner
Partner and co-founder, Miner, Barnhill & Galland; Chicago Corporation Counsel (Washington & Sawyer Administrations); founder and first president, Chicago Council of Lawyers
Jane Ramsey
Former Executive Director, Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA), civil and human rights activist, CEO Just Ventures Consulting
Jennifer Ritter
Former organizer with Organization of the Northeast, Executive Director of Lakeview Action Coalition (LAC), current Executive Director of ONE Northside
Esther Saks
Artist, social justice and young women’s education and leadership development activist
Helen Shiller
Six term Alderman 46th Ward (retired), former organizer for Heart of Uptown Coalition, social justice activist and author
Kelvin Strong
Executive Director since 1984 at Near North Development Corporation (NNDC), a Voice partner since 2007
Resident Hosts
Lorie Alexander
Resident Hazel-Winthrop Apartments, President Tenant Leadership Council
Tamara Clark
Resident Voice Preservation Development, Voice Director & Fundraising Chair
Honoree Hosts
Doug Dobmeyer
Former Voice and Lakefront SRO director and president, director/secretary Chicago Low Income Housing Trust Fund, media consultant & social justice activist
Larry Pusateri
Affordable housing finance staff (Lakefront SRO) and development consultant, former Executive Director Statewide Housing Action Coalition (SHAC) aka Housing Action Illinois
Yittayih Zelalem
Former Voice Housing Director, Chicago Rehab Network affordable housing finance trainer-educator, and Co-Director UIC Voorhees Center of Neighborhood & Community Improvement