Holiday Wishlist
Voice of the People in Uptown
Fall/Winter 2020
Set aside a donation for Voice of the People for “Giving Tuesday”, the new and cool way to support non-profit organizations near year-end. Donate at any level, or better yet, enable monthly or quarterly donations to Voice as your favorite charity. This year Giving Tuesday is December 1st!
Welcome Baskets — In the last year, Voice has initiated an interdepartmental effort to introduce Voice services, and that of our partners, POAH, to incoming and relocated tenants. Like the “welcome wagon” to the neighborhood reminiscent of the 1950s and 60s, where people brought over cake and treats, and shared information about their home and community, we seek to coordinate a process of orientation to building rules and expectations, raising awareness of community and resident services, and learning about the products for cleaning and how tos of maintaining apartments. A donation of $125 covers the costs of supplies and welcome gifts. $425 covers the costs of supplies, gifts and in-person meetings or virtual support sessions.
New Furnishings for Tenants — Voice has recently entered into partnership with the Chicago Furniture Bank, which provides new or gently used furniture to eligible, low-income tenants. With renovations, relocations and new tenants moving in, there is the prospect of a new life, in a new place and new furnishings for free. You can donate to cover the fees for processing the request and/or deliveries, from $50.00 to $300.00.
Bonus Fund for Hourly Workers — Like all small organizations, not all staff can be salaried and with benefits. People who work part time and on an hourly wage are so important to Voice of the People, helping us manage apartments, clean our properties and office, aand nswer our calls and inquiries with a friendly voice. But like so many Americans, our part timers do not have the safety net of benefits — financially and physically. Donations of all amounts are welcome.
General Operating Support Donation — Your support at any level, when designated “where needed most”, is vital and appreciated — Voice aims to diversify sources of revenues critical for the long term, including individual donations, fee support, fundraising events, and corporate and foundation grants.
Support Services for Seniors Program– Voice recently was awarded $50,000 by the RRF Foundation for Aging, intended to start up a new initiative of support services to senior residents at Voice. We need to more than match this donation from other sources. Your gifts of all sizes are welcome.
Systems Development and Expertise Needed
- The Resident Opportunity Services Program (ROS), now including organizing and leadership development, family and senior services, is a cornerstone program requiring investments in the long term. Our database and service coordination software costs $7,000 per year, with no designated source of support.
- Clinical Social Work Supervision — The ROS program is headed by Colleen Heitlage, MSW, who has outstanding qualifications, but expanding services to tenants with a clinical capacity requires supervision of 4-6 hours a month. If you have clinical social work qualifications and are willing to donate your time equivalent to $500-$750 per month, this would be greatly appreciated.
- Website & Media Development — To become masters of all forms of media, and become a resource for our various audiences — residents, community, supporters and affordable housing owners — Voice needs a totally new website. If you can donate $20,000 for web development or expertise to reduce these costs, let us know.
- Volunteer to bridge the virtual divide — A Volunteer coach or trainer is wanted to help problem solve and enhance meeting skills among our tenants in this Covid era – so they can be better involved in their building, block and community and orchestrate family events using the same skills. Candidate volunteers would not only need to be good at Zoom and one-on-one communications, but be patient and conversant in technical support, and also know related issues of new and old devices, programs, android and apple operating systems.
“Sweet Home Uptown” Event Corporate Sponsorship – $1-25,000 will be requested of small and large donors for this exciting virtual celebration and blues music event. At our October 2020 fundraiser, we were “celebrating our history”. At Sweet Home Uptown 2021 we hope to be “making history” — leveraging the lessons of the past and promoting dialogue on future strategies that sustain affordable housing and economic diversity in Uptown.
Homelessness Prevention Donation – A $2500 gift per tenant-household would cover the cost for one or two months transition for unexpected life event that threatens residents ability to pay for or stay in their housing. Only for tenants in good standing with a manageable short term need would be eligible. This kind of restricted donation could help someone transition from illness or CoronaVirus dislocations, family funeral, change in job status, divorce or short term traumatic circumstances. (This kind of support is often underfunded and oversubscribed with local social service providers.)
Staff training — current staff , interns and anticipated new hires will be prioiritized for specialized training based on their job requirements. You can designate donations for vital training for up to $500 for: Trauma Informed Services, AED/CPR, Mental Health First Aid, State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Counseling, Motivational Interviewing, and Certificate in Aging.
Foundation Introduction. Voice of the People is raising awareness with foundations, corporation and potential donors of our programming, advocacy and services in support of affordable housing tenants, owners and the Uptown community. An introduction to friends or professional peers would be so appreciated — by e-mail, call or Zoom meeting.
Show Your Virtual Support: Please Like, Follow, Share and Comment to us on Facebook. It makes a difference to know you our out there — people who can be a support network for affordable housing and related services, and a rapid-response team to the issues and concerns of the day.