Outreach & Engagement Specialist
Position Summary: The VISTA Outreach & Engagement Specialist works under the direction of the Resident Services Manager (RSM) conducting, outreach, engagement and problem-solving in buildings, blocks and communities with tenants of Voice of the People sponsored affordable housing. As a team member of the Resident Opportunity Services (ROS) Program, the VISTA will facilitate communications, database and systems development for connections and referrals of tenants to health and social services; economic opportunity programs; educational, recreational and cultural resources/activities.
The VISTA will conduct outreach to facilitate leadership and special committee meetings, building or project meetings or individual consultations on an in-person or virtual basis;
- The VISTA team member will attend weekly meetings with Resident Services Manager and monthly meetings in support of her with third-party property management service providers; the VISTA will record work progress and issues in monthly and quarterly reports to supervisor, reporting consistent with requirements of VISTA and Voice’s evaluation and planning procedures;
- S/he will share and collect surveys of tenants on household/family demographic profiles, needs, problems and goals; the VISTA team member will enter data for the same into service coordination database and referring residents on a voluntary and confidential basis to do more in-depth needs assessments with social service staff who are charged with supporting quality of life and personal/career development plans;
- The VISTA will assist “Welcome Wagon” staff who orient new residents and others about landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities; Uptown community services and opportunity programs, among others.
The VISTA team member will take a lead role in recruiting tenants for sustainable gardening project, including garden-trainees and volunteers, liaison activities with Gardening trainer and landscape design expert; along with the Executive Director, the VISTA will also coordinate outreach for soil testing, training and mapping in collaboration with DePaul University Environmental Studies department;
The VISTA will support ROS Program team in completion of “Voice Community Listening Project”, an effort to solicit strategic input from residents on how to improve and prioritize programming going forward;
The VISTA team member will recommend strategies with leadership for effective use and site management of computer labs, exercise facilities and basement meeting/community rooms at Voice-sponsored developments;
- Subject to knowledge, skills and abilities of the VISTA team member, s/he may
- Support learning of tenants in Zoom and virtual meeting access, as needed;
- Take a lead or support role on developing social media, e-newsletters, flyer development/distribution, and correspondence with residents and collaborating agencies;
- Support Executive Director in program development activities in the new Voice Owner’s Network (VON) Program, an initiative to help sustain affordable housing by assisting owners to increase income, decrease expenses and to enhance property management capacity.and more.
Compensation & Benefits: Annual Salary $14,136, plus cash bonus or educational grant of up to $6,195. As a federal government employee, the VISTA team member would have access to health insurance and other benefits.
General Qualifications & Requirements: Four-year degree in related field and/or equivalent experience in community, non-profit or volunteer service. Experience with people of low income and diverse, racial/ethnic backgrounds is essential; with experience in affordable housing and lifeline services preferred. At minimum, candidates will need excellent written and verbal communication skills, and a proficiency with computers, database systems and Microsoft office programs.
About the Organization: Voice of the People in Uptown is a non-profit, community-controlled housing corporation with more than 50 years of service. Voice owns and supports as community partner 14 buildings, with 214 rental apartments for 800+ residents, primarily low-income people of color. It has a legacy of tenant involvement in community improvement, problem-solving and civic activities. The organization is an equal opportunity employer.
Follow-Up: To become part of the hiring pool for federally administered Americorps VISTA placements, please register your interest using this link https://www.americorps.gov/serve/fit-finder/americorps-nccc/join/guide and forward an e-mail/resume about your potential interest to VoiceOfThePeople@uptownvoice.org.